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- Santa Susanna Beach’s wàter quality is excellent, regarding the studies carried by the Generalitat
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Santa Susanna Beach’s wàter quality is excellent, regarding the studies carried by the Generalitat
19 de November de 2021“The Catalan Water Agency controlled the bathing areas of Levante – Caletes and Dunas from June 1 to September 24
The water at the Levante – Caletes and Dunas beaches is excellent. This is the result of the Bathing Water Quality Surveillance and Information Program in Catalonia prepared by the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) for the 2021 bathing season.
The works were carried out fortnightly between June 1 and September 24. They consisted of the collection and transport of water samples in the analysis laboratories, environmental inspection of bathing areas, monitoring and evaluation of analytical and environmental data, classification of bathing water quality, and periodic publication of information. of the state of the water and bathing areas on the ACA website through the PlatgesCat application.
The excellent classification of Santa Susanna’s bathing water from a health point of view complements the prestige that the beach already has among bathers and tourists who visit the town. In fact, the City Council pays special attention to the health and hygiene of the coastline to ensure that the inhabitants of the municipality and visitors and tourists have a bathing area of the highest quality.
Control of 255 bathing zones
This year, the Surveillance Program has been carried out in 255 coastal bathing areas (87 in the coastal area of Girona, 85 in Tarragona and 83 in Barcelona) and 13 inland bathing areas (5 in Lleida, 4 in Barcelona, 3 in Girona and 1 in Tarragona).
At the end of the bathing season, the ACA proceeds to evaluate the classification of the water quality of each bathing area and put them into categories: Excellent, Good, Sufficient, Insufficient. This classification is obtained through the statistical treatment of the data obtained in the last four bathing seasons, as established by the European Union regulations. This guarantees a result adjusted to reality and away from the conjunctural fact of the moment. For the classification of the year 2021, the data of the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 have been treated jointly.
The Surveillance Program began in 1990.”