Santa Susanna News


Santa Susanna receives the CETT Alimara research award for the project on the carbon footprint of local tourism

16 de May de 2024
  • Santa Susanna receives the CETT Alimara research award for the project on the carbon footprint of local tourism

Mayor Joan Campolier collects the award given by the reference university center for Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy, attached to the University of Barcelona; jointly with B-Travel; and the collaboration of the World Tourism Organization and the Generalitat

Santa Susanna City Council has been awarded the CETT Alimara 2024 Award in the “Through Sustainability” category for the project called “Calculation and verification (AENOR) of the Carbon Footprint of the Santa Susanna tourism sector”. Mayor Joan Campolier collected the award during La Nits dels Alimara, which took place this Thursday at the Hotel Alimara in Barcelona.

In January, Santa Susanna became the first sun and beach tourist destination in Spain to officially certify its carbon footprint in accordance with the international standard ISO 14064. The company Global Omnium, which the entire calculation and preparation process necessary to carry out the study certified that tourism in Santa Susanna, during 2023, had an impact of 335,465.09 tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. This data has been endorsed by the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR). The certification covers the entire life cycle of the tourist activity: transport to and from the destination; lodging; consumption by tourists, hikers and cruise passengers; energy and water consumption; internal transport; road cleaning, and infrastructures.

This certification is the starting point to be able to design a strategy to reduce emissions – via reduction projects – or their compensation (which also indirectly implies reduction, through projects that generate reductions with which to compensate emissions).

40 years of awards

The CETT Alimara Barcelona Awards were created in 1984. They are organized by CETT, the reference university center for Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy, attached to the University of Barcelona, ​​and B-Travel, in collaboration with the World Organization of Tourism and the Generalitat. The awards recognize those products, services, strategies or actions that bring an innovative vision in the field of communication, digitization, sustainability and research to the tourism, hotel and gastronomy sectors.

The concept of alimara symbolizes the flame that attracts and connects people, becoming the nexus between the academic field and the business and institutional fabric.
