Santa Susanna News


Santa Susanna is Maresme’s municipality with most Biosphere distincions at sustainable tourism.

6 de May de 2022

“The town obtains 12 stamps of the 95 that have been delivered in the region to companies, entities, services and institutions in which their commitment to sustainability is recognized

Santa Susanna has been recognized for its commitment to quality and sustainable tourism. Within the framework of the Sustainability Conference organized by the Costa del Maresme Tourism Promotion Consortium, the Barcelona Provincial Council and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce that took place in the town, 12 companies and services from Santa Susanna have obtained the Biosphere seal Sustainable. These are: AQUA Hotel Aquamarina & Spa, AQUA Hotel Montagut Suites, AQUA Hotel Onabrava & Spa, Chic Apartments, El Gusano de Santa Susanna, Hotel Alegría Capricho Verde, Hotel Alegría Mar Mediterráneo, Hotel Tahití Playa, Masia Can Rosich, the office of tourism, the Levante Beach and the Santa Susanna Destination.

In fact, Santa Susanna is the Maresme municipality with the highest number of recognitions, 12, followed by Calella and Pineda de Mar, with 11 stamps and El Masnou with 10. In the region, the Biosplere Sustainable stamp has been awarded to a total of 95 companies, services and tourist destinations adhered in 2021 to the Barcelona Biosphere Destination Tourism Sustainability Commitment program recognized by the Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR). A worldwide trusted brand that accredits its commitment to sustainable practices and allows it to improve its position in relation to sustainable tourism.

Look into the future

The main conclusion of the Sustainability Conference -where the Biospheres were awarded- is that the future of the tourism sector depends on this Commitment to the environment and technology; which is in this sense where it is necessary to invest and bet. The mayor, Joan Campolier, has insisted that this “is an intensive job, but it is worth the effort” and has given the example of Santa Susanna’s commitment: “Our goal is to live and coexist with tourism, with the best quality ”, he stated.

The president of the Consortium, Joaquim Arnó, highlighted that “the Consortium’s commitment in this area is to provide territorial coverage to public entities and private entities that make determined commitments to specific actions aimed at environmental circularity and sustainable tourism and km 0”.

The event was attended by the Manager of Tourism Services of the Barcelona Provincial Council, Soledad Bravo Letelier, who highlighted the importance of the Biosphere seal both at a national and international level. In the same sense, the deputy of Tourism of the Diputación, Abigail Garrido, has expressed.”
