Santa Susanna News


New season of Vies Braves in Santa Susanna

11 de June de 2018
  • New season of Vies Braves in Santa Susanna
  • New season of Vies Braves in Santa Susanna

Santa Susanna opens the season of dynamism in the Vías Braves on June 16.

The Town Hall of Santa Susanna and Vies Braves have scheduled for this summer a total of twelve activities to discover the littoral swimming. The proposal is aimed at both experienced open water swimmers as well as those who wish to start in this practice and have another point of view on the coast. All these activities are free and guided by a qualified Vies Braves monitor.

Santa Susanna (Barcelona), June 7, 2018. The town of Santa Susanna since the last 3 years has been authorized for the practice of open water swimming and diving with a tube for two Vies Braves marine itineraries. One of those walks the Dunes beach, in front of the agricultural area of the town. It has a length of 500 meters and a low difficulty and in its southern end is the Santa Susanna nautical base. The other, connects the Beach of the Dunes with the one of Llevant crossing the whole of the Beach of the Caletas. It has a length of one kilometre and a medium difficulty. The waters of Santa Susanna are crystalline, temperate and with little depth, which makes them the ideal place for practicing open-water swimming and snorkelling.

These marine itineraries are signposted and marked, to be able to enjoy the open waters safely. With the aim of promoting meetings to swim in groups, start swimming in open waters and / or practice snorkelling, Vies Braves organizes in Santa Susanna twelve free dynamizations for all audiences run by qualified monitors.

The first session of Guided Swimming at the Vies Braves of Santa Susanna will be held on June 16 and on July 28 will be the first of snorkelling. Those interested in participating in these sessions must register for free and previously on the web page of the route where they want to do the activity. In the case of the Via Marina in Caletas beach, registrations must be made via the link, and at https://travescobbies. com / via-brava-les-dunes, for the activities planned on the Via Brava in the Dunas beach.

It is mandatory to wear swimsuits and swimming goggles and a helmet (if you want to do the snorkelling activity, it is necessary for your glasses to be diving with a bathtub).
The mayor of Santa Susanna, Joan Campolier, sees “an opportunity, through the Vías Braves, to bring people of the town to the sea, promote healthy habits and promote citizen awareness towards the environment and responsible tourism.”
Just this year, the Health Chair of the University of Girona and the DIPSALUT with the support of Vies Braves, have published a poster with the benefits of swimming in the sea, in which it is remembered that its practice activates the immunological and circulatory system, regulates blood pressure, increased respiratory capacity, reduces chronic pain and inflammation and improves mental and emotional health by providing a general feeling of wellbeing.

Vies Braves is a unique initiative in the world that at the beginning of 2017 obtained the prestigious Biosphere Tourism award, a distinction that has made it the first marine experience in the world declared sustainable.
Santa Susanna enjoys the free WhatsApp Vies Braves service with a group of its own. In this link, you can find all the information about this free service:
